Sunday 17 July 2011

Busy, busy, busy

I've been meaning to post for a long time but there always seems to be something else demanding my attention. My life has been very much centred around my home for the past year, I suppose that since i've had to take on sole responsibility for the house i've been much more proactive in getting things done as I know that unless I do it no-one else will.

Reflecting on the things i've done I guess i've come quite a long way. Since taking over the house i've had the kerb dropped so that now I have a driveway, decorated the hallway, arranged for some new blinds to be fitted, had the leaky kitchen roof repaired, stripped down and painted the front door, renovated the living room table, had a fence built around the back garden, planted a plum tree as well as ventured into the realm of growing my own veg. Every weekend has brought new household bits and bobs that needed to be done.

However, recently i've felt a bit out of touch with myself and had a few low days and i've come to the conclusion that i've gone into 'house overload' and have been neglcting the things that I love. I need to find time for 'me' and give myself some space to regroup. I'd love to go on holiday for a few days but I can't afford it at the moment so i'm going to have to create some 'me' time whilst remaining at home. Thankfully, I have the six weeks holiday ahead of me (yep i'm a teacher) so that should give me a kickstart, but I know it will be all too easy to fill my days with housey things so i'm going to set myself a target of giving myself an hours 'me' time a day, minimum, and see where that takes me.

Wish me luck - I think I might need it!