Monday 30 August 2010

29 today...

It's my birthday today and with everything feeling like it's so up in the air at the moment with regards to my relationship and my future, I have decided to take some inspiration from the wonderful Susannah Conway and make a list of 30 things i'd like to do before i'm 30 (though i'm sure Susannah's list was slightly longer *wink* ). So for the past week i've been busy thinking about the small and not so small things i'd like to accomplish in the next year before the big 30 arrives on my doorstep. I plan to revisit this post throughout the year and tick off those things i've achieved and i'm sure i'll be blogging about my experiences along the way. So here's my list, why not make up one of your own?

30 things to do before I'm 30:
1. Meditate
2. Drink more water
3. Update my blog regularly
4. Learn to play the didgeridoo
5. Read more books
6. Eat healthily
7. Buy myself only beautiful clothes that I love
8. Take more photographs
9. Buy a polaroid camera
10. Make home-made Christmas gifts for my family
11. Learn to crochet
12. Relax
13. Rediscover myself
14. Spend more time with my friends and family
15. Try a new recipe once a month
16. De-clutter my home
17. Deepen my understanding of the Tarot
18. Make soap
19. Turn my house into a home
20. Do my reiki second degree
21. Recycle
22. Buy a new car
23. Exercise more
24. Grow my own vegetables
25. Find a career that I'm passionate about
26. Worry less
27. See Tim Minchin live
28. Buy a plum tree for my garden
29. Work through "A Creative Guide to Exploring Your Life"
30. Experiment with affirmations

Right, now to the important stuff - cake anyone?

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