Thursday 11 August 2011

Potatoes in the compost heap!

Look what I found growing in my compost heap:

I suspected there might be something going on when I saw the stems emerging from the top of the bin but I didn't expect to unearth such fine, perfectly edible specimens when I turned the heap.

It's been almost a year since I took over the role of head (well only) gardener and I have learnt so much along the way, for example, don't be too eager to start off your seedlings or they will, as I have found, die and you'll be back where you started. Also, that fleece isn't the best way of protecting cabbages when you live on the windy coast. There's still so much to learn too, especially as i'm a bit of a magpie when it comes to gardening and I like to try out everything at once instead of learning a little bit at a time. It's exciting though and I felt so proud when my Nanna, a seasoned gardener, commented that my veg patch was doing well.

This year, I've fallen in love with the Real Seeds website and have purchased most of my seeds from them, in fact i've bought so many that I think I may even be able to set up my own shop! But I like the fact that they encourage you to save your own seed from what you grow and use it in future years, so in theory you only need to purchase the seeds once. They also have lots of unusual varieties such as the exploding cucumber, which i've chosen to stay well away from!

The magpie in me is also being enticed by the moreveg website, although, so far i've managed to refrain from ordering anything from them as I keep telling myself I have enough seeds and I don't need any more. I do think their monthly sowing offers are great though and if I found I had enough space i'd probably opt for one. I'm also tempted by the funky veg gift set with it's blue cabbages and purple carrots!

So yes, a year on and I think i'm even more enthused about growing my own veggies than I was when I started. Long may it continue!

I never thought I could get so excited about pulling up radish - but they are just so much bigger than what you find in the shops!

Thursday 4 August 2011

I have chickens...well hens!

As part of my focus on turning my house into a home i've taken the next step towards self-sufficiency and have bought some chickens. They arrived just over 3 weeks ago and are some of the most fabulous and quirky little creatures i've ever come across - i've lost count of how many times i've had my toes pecked, they just don't seem to realise that they're not edible! I bought the complete starter package from Chicubes and opted for the extra large run as I knew I wouldn't be able to let the chooks free range while I was at work. It came with everything I needed to get up and running, right down to the hens, which were three rescued ex-barn hens. So far my chooks seem very happy and I seem to average about 2 eggs per day from them, though I suspect that one isn't laying yet. It doesn't matter though, so far they've provided me with hours of amusement simply by their quirkiness, and it warms my heart to think that i've given them a better future than they would have had, the eggs are just a tasty bonus.
Anais and Violet on their first day of freedom - Lilly is still hiding inside!

Having a nosey around the garden (once again Lilly is being camera shy).

Lilly comes to say hello.