Thursday 4 August 2011

I have chickens...well hens!

As part of my focus on turning my house into a home i've taken the next step towards self-sufficiency and have bought some chickens. They arrived just over 3 weeks ago and are some of the most fabulous and quirky little creatures i've ever come across - i've lost count of how many times i've had my toes pecked, they just don't seem to realise that they're not edible! I bought the complete starter package from Chicubes and opted for the extra large run as I knew I wouldn't be able to let the chooks free range while I was at work. It came with everything I needed to get up and running, right down to the hens, which were three rescued ex-barn hens. So far my chooks seem very happy and I seem to average about 2 eggs per day from them, though I suspect that one isn't laying yet. It doesn't matter though, so far they've provided me with hours of amusement simply by their quirkiness, and it warms my heart to think that i've given them a better future than they would have had, the eggs are just a tasty bonus.
Anais and Violet on their first day of freedom - Lilly is still hiding inside!

Having a nosey around the garden (once again Lilly is being camera shy).

Lilly comes to say hello.

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