Sunday 30 October 2011

Hectic half term holidays

Well that's it, half term is virtually over and it feels like the week has flown by in a burst of activity. I had quite a bit of school work to do which took up the first 3 days of my hols, I also managed to get quite a lot of decluttering done which has made my head-space feel much lighter despite not making a huge visual impact on my home.

I feel like i'm going through a period of change at the moment and really need to clear my space, my shelves are filled with books that i'll never read again and my ebay pile is constantly expanding rather than contracting, it's time to do something about it. In my heart I feel like i'm not living the life that I could be, I need to be creative and yet i'm stuck in a job which gives me very little time for myself, things need to change. I'm not prepared to leave my job yet but I do need to start to focus on what I truly want to do with my life. I don't feel that teaching is my dream job but, as yet, i'm not quite sure what is, so it's time to start looking at alternatives and making small changes along the way so that I don't start to stagnate. For the moment decluttering seems to be the main focus and hopefully as I clear out the 'old' i'll make way for the 'new'. Lets hope so.

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