Tuesday 6 December 2011

Photo Reflections Day 6

Decluttering and clearing space has been the focus of the last couple of weeks and pictured above is todays efforts. For the past two weeks I have been doing 15 minutes of decluttering a day. I started in the dining room and i'm still working on it (nearly finished though, honest). I've had day long bouts of decluttering before but i've found that the enthusiasm has very quickly worn off so i've decided to try and turn it into a daily routine, hoping that in the process it will become second nature and the clutter wont re-accumulate. Since the start of the week i've been ruthlessly decluttering my file boxes, it's amazing how much junk accumulates in there so i've been busily emptying one section at a time and shredding whatever I remove - it'll make great bedding for the chooks and I feel very virtuous for my recycling efforts. I feel so much better about my practical approach to clearing my space and the fact that I can see daily improvements is fabulous. I'm back at work tomorrow so I just hope that I can keep up my daily routine.

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